06 February 2008

Swamped in Snow

My geography of the U.S. professor decided not to give us any exams this semester. Instead, we will just have occasional "celebrations of success" in which we will answer 50 multiple-choice questions to display our success of retaining learned information. Wait a second...I feel like I'm being tricked here...

Well, my birthday is coming up. I have Bible study on my birthday, and I don't think anyone in my B-stud is aware of this (surely Facebook will tell them in the coming days) but I don't want to just say it, you know? I don't want to be one of those people who says "Happy Birthday to me" or "2 days until my birthday!" Because it just feels like you're announcing it because you want people to be nice to you. Birthdays in college don't feel that special anyway because the entire school doesn't know you, and my siblings aren't here to share in the celebration. I tried dropping a hint when Becky announced her nephew could be born as early as Tuesday next week. "February 12th is a pretty good day," I said. I think the girls thought I was being random.

I've decided to come up with some goals for my 20th year. Actually, it's my 21st year because when I turned one, I had already lived a year of my life. When I turned two, I had experienced two years of life. So my turning 20 will mean I'm entering into the 21st year of my life. So, I'm making goals for the 21st year of my life. I might post them on here, but I've yet to come up with them.

Boo for this snow. ESU and KU don't have classes today. I got my scholarship check and need to deposit it because my checking account is nearing my minimum, but I don't want to go dig my car out from beneath several inches of snow/ice. I'm hoping this bright sun today will melt some of it. I'll have to drive to the Rec tomorrow for our basketball game and I also need to go to the post office to get postage refunds on the two packages USPS destroyed and lost and to mail my brother a gift.

I have a Shakespeare close-reading over Friar Lawrence's spiel in Act 4, scene 4 (lines 92-110). It's due tonight and I haven't started. I'm so unmotivated which is awful since I won't be doing much homework this weekend. Okay. I have about 4 hours and 15 minutes to be productive and I'll take a dinner break. Ready? Go!....


Anonymous said...

haha your professor is one tricky person!
i hope you have a wonderful birthday :] if i were in your bible study, i'd bring you mint chocolate ice cream :D
i hope the shakespeare thing wasn't too boring!

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