30 April 2009

Maybe -- The New Yes

Oh, man. Multiples posts in one day. I hate doing it, but I start reading good books and get the urge to write and share cool things.

I love authors who literally make me laugh out loud when I'm reading. So, here's a funny one from Why We're Not Emergent by Kevin DeYoung and Ted Kluck:

It's 6:35 P.M. and I'm in a committee meeting. . . . We're all staring intently at a group of response cards that will be handed out at the end of [D.A. Carson's] talk. The cards include the usual stuff, like "Did you like the talk? Would you like a follow-up call? Check 'yes,' 'no,' or 'maybe.'" Somebody suggests that we remove "maybe." I suggest, since this is a talk on postmodernism, that we should remove everything except "maybe."


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