02 February 2008

Geography lesson

Today's geography lesson, from Chapter 3 of Regional Landscapes of the United States and Canada.

  • Land areas: US - 9.5 million square miles; Canada - 10 million square miles
  • Population (2001): US - 281+ million (29.6 people per square mile); Canada - 30+ million (3 people/sq. mile)
  • 90% of all Canadians live within 95 miles of the southern border of Canada. (linear population distribution)
Homework day. Because I probably won't want to do much homework on the day of the Superbowl.
So, semi-productive day. Not too bad. I hung out with Jess which was awesome. I'm not so optimistic about being productive tomorrow which is unfortunate because I still have a significant amount of reading to do. Sigh.


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